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Une année en CM1
28 octobre 2013

28 octobre 2013









28 octobre 2013

Joseph dans l'Ancien Testament


28 octobre 2013

Un peu d'anglais


There was a ship that sailed all on the lowland sea
And the name of the ship was the Golden Vanity
And we feared she would be taken by the Spanish enemy
As she sailed upon the lowland, lowland, lowland
Sailed upon the lowland sea.

Then up spoke our cabinboy and boldly out spoke he
And he said to our captain "What will you give to me
If I swim along the side of the Spanish enemy
And I sink her in the lowland sea?"

"Oh I will give you silver and I will give you gold
And my own fair daughter your bonny bride shall be
If you'll swim along the side of the Spanish enemy
And you'll sink her in the lowland, lowland, lowland
Sink her in the lowland sea.

Then the boy he made him ready and overboard sprang he
And he swam to the side of the Spanish enemy
With his brace and auger in her side he bored holes three
And sank he her in the lowland sea.

Then quickly he swam back to the cheering of the crew
But the captain would not heed him, his promise he did rue
And he scorned his poor entreatings when loudly he did sue
And left him in the lowland,lowland, lowland
Left him in the lowland sea.

Then the boy he turned round and he swam to the port side
And up to his messmates full bitterly he cried
"O messmates, draw me up, for I'm drifting with the tide
And I'm sinking in the lowland, lowland, lowland
Sinking in the lowland sea."

Then his messmates drew him up, but on the deck he died
And they stitched him in a hammock which was so fair and white
And they low'red him overboard, and he drifted with the tide
And he sank into the lowland, lowland, lowland
Sank into the lowland sea.

There was a ship that sailed all on the lowland sea
And the name of the ship was the Golden Vanity
And we feared she would be taken by the Spanish enemy
As she sailed upon the lowland, lowland, lowland
Sailed upon the lowland sea.

As she sailed upon the lowland, lowland, lowland
Sailed upon the lowland sea.

28 octobre 2013

Lecture suivie



La fille du pirate

L’affrontement entre une fille et son père, tyrannique capitaine d’un vaisseau pirate, en pleine mer des Caraïbes. Le bateau pirate Golden Vanity, dirigé d’une main de fer par le capitaine Shark, sème la terreur sur les mers, jusqu’au jour où un vaisseau espagnol lui résiste, le bloquant dans une crique où il s’est réfugié. Nat, un marin, propose alors à Shark d’aller couler le navire en échange d’une récompense conséquente. Il ira à la nage percer sa coque… Le capitaine lui promet une cassette d’or et d’argent et la main de sa fille, montée clandestinement à bord. Nat accomplit son exploit, mais Shark donne l’ordre d’appareiller sans attendre son retour. Les marins sont choqués, la révolte gronde, pourtant Shark tient ses hommes. Seule sa fille, Miss Lily ose lui résister, le forçant à faire demi-tour sous la menace de son pistolet.


SharkBéatrice Bottet a enseigné le français une quinzaine d’années avant de travailler pour la presse et l’édition. Elle a écrit trois romans pour le magazine Je Bouquine, et publié des documentaires et des romans d’aventures historiques chez Casterman.










28 octobre 2013

Hisse et ho











28 octobre 2013

Pirates et corsaires


Le deuxième thème nous amène sur les traces des pirates et des corsaires.

Au travers d'étude de textes, nous serons amener à réaliser le portrait d'un pirate.

A l'abordage, moussaillon !


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